In addition to having general questions on the TableCheck booking page, it is possible to configure a maximum of 2 questions per menu item that appear only when the specific menu item is selected. This article describes how to set up these questions for a menu item.
Setting up
1. On TableCheck Settings system, go to Menu under Menus on the left panel.
2. Click the pencil/ edit icon for the menu you would like to add question(s) to.
3. Go to the Online tab, and scroll down to the Form Question 1 & Form Question 2 fields.
4. Select one of the 4 question types and enter question and options if applicable.
Question types
a. Textbox: Diner answers in free text
b. Checkbox: Diner answers by checking or unchecking the box
c. Multi-Checkbox: Diner can check multiple options
d. Radio Buttons: Diner chooses one of the displayed options
If you check the Include "Other" box in multi-checkbox and/ or radio-button format questions, the diners will be able to enter a value of their own.
Also, if you check Required for a question, answering the question will be mandatory to complete the booking.