1. Forgot / Lost User ID
If you have forgotten your User ID, please reach out to Support team at global-support@tablecheck.com.
2. Forgot Password
A. Manager System
If you have forgotten your password, click on Forgot Password as shown below on the Manager system login screen.
If your Email ID entered is valid, you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password.
B. Settings System
If you have forgotten your password, click on Forgot your Password? as shown below on the Settings login screen.
If your Email ID entered is valid, you will receive an email (like shown below) with a link to reset your password.
Complex Password Required
Complex passwords are required when updating your TableCheck account password. Depending on your venue's configuration, the date where the system will prompt you to update your password may vary. (Password update is usually prompted once every 4 months.)
View the below for complex password requirements.
- Minimum password length: 12 characters
- Contains at least one lowercase and uppercase character
- Contains at least one number
- Contains at least one special character
- Different from the last 5 passwords
- Does not contain more than 5 consecutive characters from your Email ID
(e.g. If your Email ID is jane20@tablecheck.com, the password "Jane2023!" or "check2023$" will not be accepted.)
Should 5 failed login attempts be exceeded, your account will be locked. To unlock your account, please refer to the email subjected as Unlock Account from no-reply@tablecheck.com that is automatically sent to your Email ID to unlock it. Alternatively, you may re-attempt logging in after 5 minutes of being locked out.
If you would like to receive the email instructions to unlock your account again, please enter your Email ID here.