You are able to craft charts fitting of your requirements to your Custom Dashboard for easy future reference.
Headlines may also be added for further organizational and explanatory means.
This article covers the following topics:
To begin, move to the Custom dashboard from the menu list located on the left, and select the Add New Element button on the dashboard icon panel.
1. By selecting on the Chart option, you are able to customize the selectors to reflect the chart you require. Once you are satisfied with the chart you created, you may choose Save to save it to the current Custom dashboard you are in, or Save to... to save it to a different Custom dashboard.
Headlines are essentially free text you may add to your Custom dashboard.
You may use them as a report divider between multiple sets of charts to better organize your dashboard.
1. Simply enter the text of your choice to your Headline and click on Save to apply.
To learn how to rearrange the elements on your custom dashboard, please refer to our article here.