Insight is a restaurant data analytics tool for management-level reporting, data visualization and it helps you identify patterns in your reservation data. While TableCheck automates restaurant operations, Insight complements our core product suite by automating business decisions for restaurant managers, marketing directors, and revenue managers.
One of the key dashboards on Insight is the Revenue Dashboard. The information shown in the Revenue dashboard comes from TableCheck & POS Integration. Like all other dashboards, the header for each chart is framed as a question so that it's easy for users to understand what exact question is answered by the charts.
Below is the snapshot of the Revenue Dashboard.
Here are some of key charts & elements that you can see on the Revenue Dashboard:
1. Revenue Highlights
At the top of the dashboard are some single number statistics, which give aggregate revenue information for the selected venues (one, multiple or all venues in a property can be selected) and for the selected date range of analysis.
Along with the revenue numbers for the selected period, there is also an option to see a comparison with the prior adjacent period or with the same period last year.
2. Revenue by Meal Period
The below chart shows the revenue distribution for each meal period.
In addition to the revenue numbers by meal, you can also see the percentage of revenue based on each meal period.
For example in the below example, 49% of the revenue is from dinner, followed by 1% from Breakfast etc.
3. Change in Revenue by Week
You can also view how the revenue has changed over time. Depending on the date range of analysis selected, the system automatically optimises the period and shows revenue change by day, week, month or year but you can choose any of these 4 parameters manually as well.
Fo example, the above chart shows the revenue change week by week, whereas the chart below shows revenue change day by day for the range of analysis selected as past 28 days in both the cases.
4. Avg Revenue/ pax by Method
The below chart shows the average revenue per pax by methods of booking.
Web (OTA) - consists of any online reservation other than those made through TableCheck (includes Google)
Manual - phone reservation
5. Avg Revenue/ pax by Provider
Below chart shows the average revenue per pax by provider. These providers can be any OTA/ 3rd party booking website. The reservations from Google & TableCheck are also shown in the chart as these are also considered providers.
6. Revenue by Staff Name/ ID
In this chart you can see which staff made the maximum sale. The staff names or staff ID are shown here depending on which amongst the two is included in the POS check that is sent from the POS system to TableCheck.
7. Revenue by Payment Type
In the below 2 charts, you can see the total revenue grouped by payment type and the percentage of revenue by each payment type.
In addition to the above shown standard charts, you can also generate any kind of desired report by clicking Edit Element and then selecting appropriate parameters.
For example, if you want to compare revenue of 2 venues side by side, you can follow the below steps:
Step 1. Click the 3 dots on any chart and click Edit Element
Step 2. Select Venue Set under Primary Segment
Click Apply or Save to to add the chart into your custom dashboard.
Click here for more details on Custom Dashboard.
8. Other Reports that may interest you