A reservation can be canceled by a restaurant staff by changing the status to Canceled. A reservation can be cancelled from Floor & Timetable tabs.
1. Click Accepted (or any other current status) button at the far right of the reservation that needs to be canceled.
2. Select Cancel from the list of status.
3. Select the user name who cancelled this reservation.
Canceled reservation is now displayed in gray color.
On any day other than today, only Reservations and Blocks tabs are displayed. Only on today's day, Waitlist & Finished tabs are displayed in addition to Reservation and Blocks.
A canceled reservation for today's date can be found separately under Finished tab as shown below.
Canceled history can be found in Audit Trail tab of Reservation Details screen that appears when you double-click the reservation.
1. Click the reservation to be cancelled.
2. Click Accepted status button on the top right of Reservation Details.
3. Select Cancel from the list of status.
Canceled history can be found in Audit Trail tab of Reservation Details screen.