The User Settings on Insight fall under 3 different categories - General, Data and Date & Time. All these settings have default values however there are options to change them as per personal preferences.
To access user settings, click the cogwheel icon at the top and go to Insight Settings.
The User Settings are divided into 3 categories as shown below.
A. General
1. Select the Home Page
This is the page that you see when you first login to Insight. The default home page is Reservations but it is possible to select any other dashboard (preset, custom or from the Explore menu) as home page.
2. Default currency
This is the currency in which the revenue is displayed across dashboards. The default value is local currency, however it can be changed to base currency.
3. Base currency
You can set up any currency as a base currency and select it as a default one in the above setting, so that irrespective of the location of your restaurant, the revenue will always be displayed in the currency set as the base currency.
The default is USD however you can select any other currency from the drop-down list.
4. Currency Symbol Position
You can select the positioning of the currency symbol to be before or after the amount. The default position depends on the standard for the selected language, however you can select it to be displayed always on the right or left of the amount.
5. Decimals & Separators
You can also select the positioning of decimals & separators in Revenue data. The default setting is to match it to the standard used for a language, however it can be changed as preferred.
6. Large Number Abbreviations
Because large numbers do not easily fit on charts, we employ abbreviations such as K for thousands, M for millions, B for billions, and T for trillions. There are different language-specific abbreviations for languages such as Korean and Japanese. The default is that these abbreviations match the chosen language unless the user overrides this with a different setting in the drop-down list.
B. Data
1. Adjusted data mode
If Raw data is selected, then all data visible on the application are in the same format as how they are displayed on TableCheck. However, our system automatically adjusts all reservation data based on the characteristics of the reservation even in Raw data mode. These adjustments make the data easier to interpret for users. The following is a list of these adjustments:
- Any reservation that was cancelled within 15 minutes from when it was created is flagged as a deleted reservation. The status of the reservation is also set to deleted for that reservation.
- Any reservation that was created more than 24 hours after the start of the meal will be excluded from all metrics related to booking days in advance.
- Any walk-in that has a status of cancelled or no-show is set to deleted.
If Adjusted data is selected as the user setting, then the following two additional adjustments are made to the data:
- Any reservation that was created within 30 minutes prior to the start of the meal up to 24 hours after is flagged as a walk-in reservation. Both source and method will classify that reservation as a walk-in.
- Any reservation that was cancelled within 30 minutes prior to the start of the meal and anytime after the meal is flagged as a no-show. The status of the reservation is also set to no-show for that reservation.
2. Display missing values
By default when segment values are missing, these data are excluded from charts and tables. Selecting Yes in the above setting will include these missing values.
3. Revenue Calculation Method
Insight integrates with data from various POS systems. Sometimes these POS systems are used in unexpected ways, or we detect data abnormalities based on our expectations of how the POS journals should appear. By default Insight adjusts POS journals to fix possible errors in revenue and to exclude consumption taxes. If you would like to include consumption taxes, please change the Revenue Calculation Method setting on the Settings page and Data tab to “Revenue (tax included).” If you prefer revenue to be calculated without any adjustments, please choose “Total Check” so that Insight will simply use the total check for each POS journal as the revenue amount.
4. Sorting
By default charts are sorted in the most useful manner depending on the type of data displayed. For segments with a natural order such as day of week, meal, pax, period, etc., the data are sorted according to the natural order. For example, meals will be presented in the following order: breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner, and night. For segments that do not have a natural order (like Method), data are sorted in either ascending or descending order. Any metric that has a positive meaning like Total Reservations, Total Pre-Orders Quantity, Avg Revenue per Pax, etc., will be sorted in descending order. Any metric that has a negative meaning such as Total Cancellations, Cancellation Rate, Avg Cancelled Pre-Orders Amount per Pax, etc., will be sorted in ascending order. You can change this sorting rule by selecting either Ascending or Descending from the above setting if you prefer all data to be sorted in a consistent way.
5. Show venue tags in tables
By default when shop is a segment, only the shop name will appear in the data table. If you would like to include shops tags such as the Franchise Name or Country, please select them as tags here.
6. Maximum bucket for pax segmenting
When data are segmented by pax (party size), charts can become difficult to read when there are more than 20 categories. This setting allows you to apply an upper bucket to group party sizes of that specified number or more. By default this value is set to 20 such that you will see "20+" on charts with pax segmenting. That bucket will contain party sizes of 20, 21, 22, … up to the largest party size in the requested data. If you prefer not to have a maximum bucket, please activate the No Max Bucket toggle.
7. Maximum bucket for visit history segmenting
This is similar to the previous setting, and allows you to apply an upper bucket to group visit history greater than the specified number. The default is set to 20.
8. Maximum number of menu items
When menu item is a segment and you select a large date range and/or many shops, charts may display too many menu items to be readable. This setting allows you to apply a maximum number of menu items to display on one chart or table. By default this value is set to the top 10. For example, if a chart shows Total Pre-Orders Quantity by Menu Item for the past 28 days, the displayed data would include only the top 10 menu items ranked by Total Pre-Orders Quantity over the entire 28-day period. If you prefer not to limit menu items, please activate No Limit to Menu Items toggle.
9. Show x-axis every N-ticks
This setting can adjust the display of x-axis labels in charts. The default is to automatically display x-axis labels so that there is no overlapping of label text. For example, if chart labels become illegible, the Auto mode will automatically display x-axis labels such that only every N labels are displayed, where N can take positive integer values. The global user setting can be adjusted so that all charts display every N labels.
10. Turn Time limits
Turn time (in minutes) is derived from the POS data by taking the difference in time between the order and the payment. If there are multiple POS journals per reservation, the turn time is the maximum turn time. Actual turn time will exceed the estimate derived from the POS data because the actual time includes the time between when the diner was seated and when the diner ordered plus the time between payment and when the table was cleaned / ready for the next diner.
There are many cases where order and payment times are the same resulting in a zero turn time. There are also many cases where a payment occurs many days after the order time. Including these non-sensical turn times in the results will bias the data. Therefore, by default, Insight excludes from results turn times less than 15 minutes or greater than 300 minutes. The filter is applied before taking the maximum turn time within each reservation. To change these default values, adjust the Turn Time Limits setting on the Settings page and Data tab.
11. Wait Time limits
Wait time (in minutes) is the difference in time between when a group was added to the wait list and when the group was seated. Oftentimes, restaurant staff forget to change the reservation status to seated, and the derived wait time will appear extraordinarily long. Including these non-sensical wait times in the results would bias the data. Therefore, by default, Insight excludes from results wait times greater than 120 minutes. To change these default values, adjust the Wait Time Limits setting on the Settings page and Data tab.
C. Date & Time
1. Date formats
You can select the short, medium, and long date formats that are used to display dates throughout the application. The long date format always includes the day of the week. The places where short, medium, and long dates appear are determined automatically by the system (not user selectable at this time). If you prefer not to see leading zeros in months and days, please deactivate the toggle so that dates will change from 04/01/2019 to 4/1/2019, for example.
2. Default Date Ranges for Dashboards
Insight supports dashboards that are "forward-looking" and have the date range locked to no earlier than the current month and no later than one year ahead. The Upcoming and Forecast preset dashboards are the only presets that have this constraint, while all other preset dashboards lack date range limits.
Insight manages separate date ranges for each of these two types of dashboards, and you can select the default date range for each type in the Settings page and Date & Time tab. The default date ranges are the ranges that first load into the date picker when the application is started (or when you perform a browser reload). Therefore, saving a new date range will not immediately change the date range that you are currently using as a global filter setting on the application. If you wish to change the date range immediately, please change the date range in the date picker.
Suppose you reload the application and first visit a forward-looking dashboard. The date range will be set to the default date range for forward-looking dashboards. Let’s assume this is “Next 7 days.” If you change the date range in the date picker to “Current month” and then navigate to a dashboard without date range limits (such as Reservations), the date range will change to the default date range for dashboards without date range limits. Suppose this is “Past 28 days.” If you change the date range in the date picker to “Past 7 days” and navigate to another dashboard without date range limits (such as Cancellations), the date range will remain “Past 7 days” until you click on any forward-looking dashboard. Once you click on a forward-looking dashboard, the date range will automatically change to “Current month,” which was the most recently selected date range for forward-looking dashboards (not the default in user settings).
3. First day of the week
By default Insight defines Monday as the first day of the week. If you would like to use a different starting day, please select either Saturday or Sunday instead in the above setting.
4. Clock formatting
Insight can display data using a 24-hour or 12-hour clock. The 24-hour clock uses times like 9:00, 16:00, and 25:00 (1:00 of the following day). The 12-hour clock uses times like 9am, 4pm, and 1am (+1d). You can sync your clock settings with those in TableCheck by selecting the "TableCheck clock setting" option.
5. Day alignment for Prior Period comparisons
When comparing the current period to a prior period, users typically prefer to align the periods such that there are equal numbers of each day of the week in each period (the default setting of "Same day of week"). For example, if the current period is January 1, 2020 (Wednesday) to January 31, 2020 (Friday), the prior year would be January 2, 2019 (Wednesday) to February 1, 2019 (Friday). If you change the setting to "Same date" then the prior year period becomes January 1, 2019 (Tuesday) to January 31, 2019 (Thursday). This would be the preferred setting if you wanted to compare holidays such as Christmas in one year versus the prior year.
5. Time of day resolution (in minutes)
By default the time of day segment has a resolution of 60 minutes. If you would like more granularity in viewing data by time of day, select 15/ 30 for this setting. For example, changing the resolution to 15 minutes will show four values per hour, and changing the resolution to 30 minutes will show two values per hour.